SMBhq has recieved a new hosted site in the form of the popular Fan-Fiction site Battle of the Videogame Heroes.
I was negotiating with, BOTVGH webmaster, H Cuz a few months ago, about bringing BOTVGH to SMBhq, though the deal just closed this past Monday.
According to his blog, H Cuz plans to have BOTVGH up and running on the SMBhq server by the end of the year. You should keep checking that Blog for future updates on this subject.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Hello again. I updated a lot of SSQ. The new ad changes seem to work fine... and I've implemented a new code that allows me to change the layout of SSQ with only one file. So when I actually think of some interesting layouts, I'll try them. SSQ should start the new system soon, but it's still under construction.
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Ready for a new Era
I'm sure all of you can't wait for the new SMBhq "Era Pages"
I just seriously got started on work on them, and they are going to be awesome.
To make things easier I am going to work one era at a time.
When that era is done and uploaded, I will work on the next era, and so long.
I think this is the best path to go, especially since the first two eras are basically just archives.
Expect to see the page for the "Retro Era" by the end of October.
I just seriously got started on work on them, and they are going to be awesome.
To make things easier I am going to work one era at a time.
When that era is done and uploaded, I will work on the next era, and so long.
I think this is the best path to go, especially since the first two eras are basically just archives.
Expect to see the page for the "Retro Era" by the end of October.
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
On Sale Soon: More than just games.
We just signed up for the associates program.
As soon as we get confimation that the application has gone through, I plan on expanding the SMBhq store to feature more that just games.
Through, you will be able to buy Books, DVDs, Apparel and more. This will make for a more complete store.
So look out for the expanded SMBhq Store, coming soon
As soon as we get confimation that the application has gone through, I plan on expanding the SMBhq store to feature more that just games.
Through, you will be able to buy Books, DVDs, Apparel and more. This will make for a more complete store.
So look out for the expanded SMBhq Store, coming soon
Sunday, September 05, 2004
End of Summer Report
Well summer is coming to and end and it is time to get back it work with SMBhq.
Well, then again, it's not like I ever stopped.
However, in the Fall you will start to see some serious updates, especially with my sections.
A new Mystery should be posted within a month and all the end of the year Mario news should start pouring in.
That's the good news.
The bad news is that I will be taking some night courses at the ol' college this fall. While I will still find time for SMBhq, I might not have time to work on any of the "lengthy" projects (i.e. the SMBhq "Era" pages).
We'll see how things turn out.
Well, then again, it's not like I ever stopped.
However, in the Fall you will start to see some serious updates, especially with my sections.
A new Mystery should be posted within a month and all the end of the year Mario news should start pouring in.
That's the good news.
The bad news is that I will be taking some night courses at the ol' college this fall. While I will still find time for SMBhq, I might not have time to work on any of the "lengthy" projects (i.e. the SMBhq "Era" pages).
We'll see how things turn out.
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Well, it's been a while since I posted here. SSQ has been quite a tricky thing to update... well... more like I'm kinda lazy. Anyways, I'm planning on finishing our update with all of that shiny equipment. If I have time, I'll deal with some stuff pertaining to SSS. Just so you know, I would appreciate it if someone could help me update SSQ. It's a lot for just me, now that we have around 20 people and all. And, well, I'm not surprised Sean Kelly became co-webmaster of SMBHQ. Oh yeah, that reminds me. Sean, please do something about/with the chat thing. It's handy for when I'm using someone else's computer, but lately all the people who show up have the IQ of crazed chimpanzees... and it tends to be tiring, not to mention cause me to get up to about 99 akicks. Well, that's it for now.
Monday, August 09, 2004
I am now co-webmaster of SMBhq.
How did this happen?
Well Jay told me today in AIM that he and Kyle had something to ask me.
We had a chat in AIM, in which I was thanked for my contributions to SMBhq.
Jay joked that I was going to be fired (we all had a laugh at that), and I was then asked to become a webmaster to help Jay (who doesn't really have the time, and prefers NC).
I, of course, agreed and here I am.
Will I be a good co-webmaster? Only time will tell.
How did this happen?
Well Jay told me today in AIM that he and Kyle had something to ask me.
We had a chat in AIM, in which I was thanked for my contributions to SMBhq.
Jay joked that I was going to be fired (we all had a laugh at that), and I was then asked to become a webmaster to help Jay (who doesn't really have the time, and prefers NC).
I, of course, agreed and here I am.
Will I be a good co-webmaster? Only time will tell.
Thursday, April 29, 2004
The New RPC
Since December RPC has been on the wayside. It's just that I haven't been able to attend each and every week and the times I do show up, no one else does.
However I am looking forward to the first RPC in over 4 months next Friday (May 7) at 7:00 pm EST (I was originally going to have it at 10, but after noticing last week that people started leaving the chat by 9 that it would be best to keep the original timeslot.)
I have retooled RPC to make it more interesting.
First each participant will be assigned a randomly assigned character. This includes Mario characters and (as a new addition) NC characters.
The next new feature of RPC that will probably debut next week is "The Wheel of Plot Twists". After saying a secret word (which I will make before the start of the story), the wheel will be spun which will result in plot twists such as a character change, an item appearing, and, of course, something happening to someone's (censored).
So, make sure to participate in the new and improved RPC. I am sure you will like it.
However I am looking forward to the first RPC in over 4 months next Friday (May 7) at 7:00 pm EST (I was originally going to have it at 10, but after noticing last week that people started leaving the chat by 9 that it would be best to keep the original timeslot.)
I have retooled RPC to make it more interesting.
First each participant will be assigned a randomly assigned character. This includes Mario characters and (as a new addition) NC characters.
The next new feature of RPC that will probably debut next week is "The Wheel of Plot Twists". After saying a secret word (which I will make before the start of the story), the wheel will be spun which will result in plot twists such as a character change, an item appearing, and, of course, something happening to someone's (censored).
So, make sure to participate in the new and improved RPC. I am sure you will like it.
Saturday, April 24, 2004
Camp FUNgi registration has begun!
Head over to the Camp Fungi page to register for SMBhq's online camp.
I'm working very hard to make this a success and hopefully it will.
You have until the end of June to register.
I'm working very hard to make this a success and hopefully it will.
You have until the end of June to register.
Friday, April 23, 2004
Hi, here's the wacky person who took over Super Smash Quest a while ago. Anyways, it's a pleasure to talk here, yadda yadda blah blah. I've been working on the special attack system for a while, and an update is going to be soon. We're always accepting new members, of course. Oh, yes, and the April Fools joke I did a while ago was very very last minute... I promise next year for there to be a better joke. Recently, my room on IRC was added to the SMBHQ chat page. Hopefully with this I should get new members. Anyways, enough advertising. Oh, yes, and I must thank Sean Kelly for making the neat logo. I have some paintbrush ability, but the logo picture idea has always been put off for a long time. Anyways, Anyways, Anyways, I need to stop using Anyways. Oh well, that's all I have to say for now.
Friday, April 02, 2004
April Fools ReCap
I would say that this years April Fools joke was a relative success.
Well no one was really fooled, but on the other hand everything was all in good fun.
Here is a quick recap for those of you who missed it.
Sean Kelly Takes Over SMBhq
This joke was REALLY last minute. In fact, I think it was exactly 24 hours ago that I thought this up.
Me and Jay were talking on AIM, like we usually do. Jay had stuff planned for NC, but had nothing for the main page.
Well after some thinking, I thought that it would be a good idea to have it look like I took over SMBhq. I thought of it as a sort of parody of the fact that I have so many sections at SMBhq (and I seem to get more all the time). After writing a quick takeover note and update (which mentioned all the other April Fools jokes), I went to bed and left the rest to Jay.
NC Closed due to Lack of Bandwidth
All I have to say is that Jay really fooled me when he showed me this one (I thought for a second that it was a real 404 message). However, I should let Jay talk about his own joke.
Oh, this is a good one. When I started adding comix and deathmatches and stuff to mysteries, I jokingly started calling it "NC LITE," because mysteries was starting to look like another version of NC.
Well, I was talking to Jay about this in AIM, and I just suddenly realized that this would be an awesome April Fool's joke (after the hugely successful "Second Minus World" joke, I had trouble thinking up of new mysteries jokes, as you can see with the "Bigfoot in Mushroom Kingdom" joke).
Basically I took NC and re-worked the pages giving it a mysteries twist. It you look at it (it's archived at, you can see it's basically mysteries disguised as NC.
This is defininitely the joke I spent the most hours on.
Answering SPAM in the Mailbag
This was very last minute (kind of).
I has another mailbag joke in mind (fake answers to real questions). Then I wrote the opening line ("lets see what kind of stuff you guys are spamming the mailbag with today"), and then it hit me that I should do a joke in which I answer SPAM.
I went though my old e-mail account (sadly the mailbag e-mail has 0 SPAM) and picked out 10 original, clean (no porn) junk mail messages for me to answer (not an easy task). Then I answered them.
News Report: Super Mario Bros: Special Edition for Nintendo: DS
If you go to the News page (which is now powered by Blogger BTW), you will see a news report that basically threw my fake one out the window: Super Mario Bros WAS being re-released.
But, this was a good idea when I got it. I tried to make this report SO dumb, yet still believable. I hope I succeeded.
Well those are the main jokes (I think there are 1 or 2 small ones that I missed), hopefully you all liked that gags this years and hopefully we can top ourselves in the next year.
Well no one was really fooled, but on the other hand everything was all in good fun.
Here is a quick recap for those of you who missed it.
Sean Kelly Takes Over SMBhq
This joke was REALLY last minute. In fact, I think it was exactly 24 hours ago that I thought this up.
Me and Jay were talking on AIM, like we usually do. Jay had stuff planned for NC, but had nothing for the main page.
Well after some thinking, I thought that it would be a good idea to have it look like I took over SMBhq. I thought of it as a sort of parody of the fact that I have so many sections at SMBhq (and I seem to get more all the time). After writing a quick takeover note and update (which mentioned all the other April Fools jokes), I went to bed and left the rest to Jay.
NC Closed due to Lack of Bandwidth
All I have to say is that Jay really fooled me when he showed me this one (I thought for a second that it was a real 404 message). However, I should let Jay talk about his own joke.
Oh, this is a good one. When I started adding comix and deathmatches and stuff to mysteries, I jokingly started calling it "NC LITE," because mysteries was starting to look like another version of NC.
Well, I was talking to Jay about this in AIM, and I just suddenly realized that this would be an awesome April Fool's joke (after the hugely successful "Second Minus World" joke, I had trouble thinking up of new mysteries jokes, as you can see with the "Bigfoot in Mushroom Kingdom" joke).
Basically I took NC and re-worked the pages giving it a mysteries twist. It you look at it (it's archived at, you can see it's basically mysteries disguised as NC.
This is defininitely the joke I spent the most hours on.
Answering SPAM in the Mailbag
This was very last minute (kind of).
I has another mailbag joke in mind (fake answers to real questions). Then I wrote the opening line ("lets see what kind of stuff you guys are spamming the mailbag with today"), and then it hit me that I should do a joke in which I answer SPAM.
I went though my old e-mail account (sadly the mailbag e-mail has 0 SPAM) and picked out 10 original, clean (no porn) junk mail messages for me to answer (not an easy task). Then I answered them.
News Report: Super Mario Bros: Special Edition for Nintendo: DS
If you go to the News page (which is now powered by Blogger BTW), you will see a news report that basically threw my fake one out the window: Super Mario Bros WAS being re-released.
But, this was a good idea when I got it. I tried to make this report SO dumb, yet still believable. I hope I succeeded.
Well those are the main jokes (I think there are 1 or 2 small ones that I missed), hopefully you all liked that gags this years and hopefully we can top ourselves in the next year.
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
It would be nice to have money.....
When I eventually get a job, there is some things that I could do that would put the money I get to good use:
First I could donate to VGF and help keep SMBhq running.
I could also register the chat applet so people no longer complain about the registration message that's printed whenever somebody types a line.
Yeah, it would be great to have income......
First I could donate to VGF and help keep SMBhq running.
I could also register the chat applet so people no longer complain about the registration message that's printed whenever somebody types a line.
Yeah, it would be great to have income......
Monday, March 22, 2004
New SMBhq Logo
For those of you who didn't know, for the last month, a vote was held to choose a new SMBhq logo from a choice of 12.
On Friday evening the voting stopped and we had a landslide winner.
So I am pleased to present to you the NEW SMBhq logo:

Expect to see the new logo soon along with a redesigned splash page.
On Friday evening the voting stopped and we had a landslide winner.
So I am pleased to present to you the NEW SMBhq logo:
Expect to see the new logo soon along with a redesigned splash page.
Friday, March 19, 2004
There's less than two weeks left until that yearly practical joke day.
Do we at SMBhq have anything up our sleeves?
Do we at SMBhq have anything up our sleeves?
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Status of Golden Toad Awards
OK, I'm a day late with this post. I was waiting to see if anyone else would post.
Anyways, all I have to say is that the Golden Toad awards were successful. TOO successful.
With something like 600 votes (though some of them were duds), it is a big chore to count all of these votes.
And to be quite frank, I don't like chores when it comes to websites. I don't like to have to do something, I want to do something because I want to do it.
I had a music site, which I shut down for this reason (it was too much of a chore to keep it up-to-date).
So where does this leave the Golden Toad Awards?
I honestly don't know. I doubt I will count all the votes in time for the end of March. I'm guessing sometime in April, but I have to actually count some votes before I can set a new date.
So, basically the status of the Golden Toad's is: TBD
Anyways, all I have to say is that the Golden Toad awards were successful. TOO successful.
With something like 600 votes (though some of them were duds), it is a big chore to count all of these votes.
And to be quite frank, I don't like chores when it comes to websites. I don't like to have to do something, I want to do something because I want to do it.
I had a music site, which I shut down for this reason (it was too much of a chore to keep it up-to-date).
So where does this leave the Golden Toad Awards?
I honestly don't know. I doubt I will count all the votes in time for the end of March. I'm guessing sometime in April, but I have to actually count some votes before I can set a new date.
So, basically the status of the Golden Toad's is: TBD
It's just like Sean to add another new and nearly useless thing to the site (lol). Whatever possessed him to get one of these blog things, I'll never know. Anyways, since it was something regarding the staff of the website, I saw it my natural responsibility to accept.
First off, I wanted to mention how I wish that I would get some more Fan Fiction submissions, because I rarely get any. It's difficult to post when you have nothing to post, if you catch my drift.
Lastly, I wanted to say that I have the ideas in the making for my own fan fiction, though it may be some time before I can get around to writing it for lack of free time. That's all for now.
First off, I wanted to mention how I wish that I would get some more Fan Fiction submissions, because I rarely get any. It's difficult to post when you have nothing to post, if you catch my drift.
Lastly, I wanted to say that I have the ideas in the making for my own fan fiction, though it may be some time before I can get around to writing it for lack of free time. That's all for now.
Monday, March 08, 2004
Blog Buttons
I know I should wait until someone else posts in this Blog (Luigi128 just accepted his invitation BTW) before I start posting like crazy, but I just had to post this story:
Last night I was talking to Jay in AIM. I said that I was going to make a button for the Blog and I asked him what category he wanted the button for.
I knew that it wouldn't be Fan Stuff (red). This left Reference (Green) and Other (Blue).
After much thinking, Jay said that if the button goes under reference, it would even out the rows of buttons (Jay said that he was OC about stuff like that).
I, who was thinking that it would be better suited for Other, asked Jay if a Blog really counts as a refererence. Jay responded, saying that it would be a "reference of our thoughts."
I eventually ended up making 2 buttons (one for each category) and sent them to him.
It would be interesting to see which one Jay actually uses (I have a feeling it will be Green).
Well there's some SMBhq "Behind the Scenes" for ya.
I will post again sometime tommorow about the state of the Golden Toad Awards.
Last night I was talking to Jay in AIM. I said that I was going to make a button for the Blog and I asked him what category he wanted the button for.
I knew that it wouldn't be Fan Stuff (red). This left Reference (Green) and Other (Blue).
After much thinking, Jay said that if the button goes under reference, it would even out the rows of buttons (Jay said that he was OC about stuff like that).
I, who was thinking that it would be better suited for Other, asked Jay if a Blog really counts as a refererence. Jay responded, saying that it would be a "reference of our thoughts."
I eventually ended up making 2 buttons (one for each category) and sent them to him.
It would be interesting to see which one Jay actually uses (I have a feeling it will be Green).
Well there's some SMBhq "Behind the Scenes" for ya.
I will post again sometime tommorow about the state of the Golden Toad Awards.
Wooo Hooo!!
Kyle Orland has accepted his invitation to be one of the members of this Blog.
For those of you who don't know, Kyle is the guy who actually created SMBhq.
OK, so that's 1 staff member down, 11 to go. If any staff members are reading this, please reply to your invitations.
See you on the flip side.
For those of you who don't know, Kyle is the guy who actually created SMBhq.
OK, so that's 1 staff member down, 11 to go. If any staff members are reading this, please reply to your invitations.
See you on the flip side.
It's Blogging Time!!!!!!
Hello everyone and welcome to the OFFICIAL SMBhq Blog.
This is where you go and read the personal thoughts and desires of the SMBhq Staff members.
Oh, and I guess you can also read what's going on at SMBhq (Like you really want to know that)
This is where you go and read the personal thoughts and desires of the SMBhq Staff members.
Oh, and I guess you can also read what's going on at SMBhq (Like you really want to know that)
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