Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Status of Golden Toad Awards

OK, I'm a day late with this post. I was waiting to see if anyone else would post.

Anyways, all I have to say is that the Golden Toad awards were successful. TOO successful.

With something like 600 votes (though some of them were duds), it is a big chore to count all of these votes.

And to be quite frank, I don't like chores when it comes to websites. I don't like to have to do something, I want to do something because I want to do it.

I had a music site, which I shut down for this reason (it was too much of a chore to keep it up-to-date).

So where does this leave the Golden Toad Awards?

I honestly don't know. I doubt I will count all the votes in time for the end of March. I'm guessing sometime in April, but I have to actually count some votes before I can set a new date.

So, basically the status of the Golden Toad's is: TBD
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